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WHO are your people?

Updated: Feb 11, 2022

WHO?! 👥

👉 Who are you serving?

👉 Who do you connect with?

👉 Who do you LIKE to work with?

👉 Who are NOT your people?

👉 Who ARE your people?

Do you know your avatar or ideal target audience? Do you know who you do NOT want to work with? 🙅‍♀️ Sometimes knowing who is definitely NOT your type of client will help you to establish and choose who exactly is. 👀

Why is this so important? Knowing who would make an ideal client for your business helps you to build your marketing, message, products, services and support around attracting that narrow niche. 👏

Your goal in all that you provide to your customers should be to 1️⃣ solve a problem they have or 2️⃣ relate to your target audience in some way. So, first you must decide who you’re targeting and then you can ask yourself what THEY need!

🤔 Think about who you can deliver the greatest value to with what you have to offer. Who do you enjoy working with and who NEEDS you the most? 💬 It is very helpful to take the time to do this as a homework assignment and write a detailed description of your ideal client. ✏️ Things to think about include but are not limited to:

Name - Age - Occupation - Salary - Education - Relationship - Family - Pets - Their Dream Vacation - Favorite Drink - Favorite Music - Favorite Sport - Favorite Books - Favorite Shows - Social Pages They Follow - Top Values - Top Beliefs - Hobbies - Guilty Pleasures - Strengths - Weaknesses - Events They Go To - How They Unwind - What Motivates Them

Other questions to ask yourself...

🤔 What are their pain points? (insecurities, fears, frustrations)

🤔 What kinds of challenges do they face?

🤔 What are the things they care about?

🤔 What brings them joy?

🤔 What is going to touch them emotionally?

🤔 What goals are they striving to attain?

🤔 What would they hope to gain from you?

🤔 Who is able to pay you for the service you provide? 🤔 How can you HELP them?

Having your answers to these questions will allow you to fully address what they want and need. In every engagement with them, you can tailor your communication to let them know you understand and can help solve their problems. 👏

Chances are, even if you don’t think you know who your target audience is, you do know them 💗. Be yourself, decide who YOU connect with and want to help most 👯‍♀️.

👩‍👧‍👦 Is it the stay at home busy mama who desperately needs some self-care?

💼 Is it the over-worker who needs a healthy way to unwind?

🙏 Is it the Christian woman who wants to improve her health to better live the life the Lord is leading her toward?

👩‍🎓 Is it the fresh grad who is trying to get on their feet and learn how to deal with a suddenly lower metabolism?

🧘‍♀️ Is it the recovering addict who is seeking a healthier outlet for emotions and healing?

🧠 Is it the stressed out perfectionist who is needs tips and tricks to take care of her mental health?

🚶‍♀️ Is it the small business entrepreneur who has an all or nothing mindset and needs a community of support to take baby steps with exercise?

Maybe it’s none of these people! Maybe it’s a combination. Maybe it’s a whole lot more specific! But sticking with generic posts and messages because you’re afraid of not connecting with everyone on your friends list will leave you connecting with little or no people at all 😕 🚪 .

Here’s the thing, when you discover “YOUR” people - speak to them without fear of being passed by by others. That’s OKAY! You don’t need to be everyone’s cup of tea 🫖 !

"If you're targeting everyone, you're not speaking to anyone"

So, WHO are your people?! WHO do you want to work with?! 🤷‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ If you want to take this the next step further, create a mood board collage of your ideal client and share it with us! We'd absolutely LOVE to see it! 😍

👋 For more tips, tricks, and guidance like this... Join us in our FREE private Facebook group of experienced coaches! We love to collaborate on what's working, what's not working and overall come together to support one another.

We hope to see you there! 🥰

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