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Where do you work?📲👩‍💻

Whether you've transitioned to working from home, run your side business from home, or already have been working from home, you probably know the struggle of finding the perfect place to settle into work 🧐😝.

You may also find it impossible to keep your home work space decluttered and organized. But having to work around clutter on a daily basis, is bound to raise your stress levels and you won't get as much done as you could. Therefore, it's actually really important to create a cozy and clean space where you WANT to work. This will not only help to boost your productivity but you'll enjoy it much more too! The value of an organized workspace is underestimated and that's why we've got a few tips to share with you today. 🤗

Here are some tips for setting up a more productive workspace: 🪴 Go green - adding a plant or two to your workspace, or creating a space where you can look outside will provide you with a visual break when you need to look away from the screen and provide you with better air quality! 🗄 Get organized - be sure everything at has a spot. Maintaining an organized environment is especially essential to where you're working. You can organize by using containers, filing trays, shelves, baskets and more. If you’re not spending time looking for things, you’ll have more time to focus on the task at hand.

🧽 Keep it clean - In addition to keeping your work essentials organized, keeping it clean is a must! Have some wipes handy to keep your area dust and crumb free! Cleanliness will help to boost your mood, clear your mind and of course, increase productivity.

♨️ Signature work scent - a pleasant scent can make work a more enjoyable experience. We all love to smell good things! Diffuse peppermint, lemon or rosemary for energy and better focus. 💡 Light it up - Light is very important when it comes to your workspace. Natural light is wonderful if you can work near a window, but even if you can’t be sure your space is well-lit. This will also help to keep you from straining your eyes.

📌 Keep it simple - This means only keeping the things you need for work around you. Sometimes having too much stuff (and clutter) can disrupt your concentration and affect your work performance. If you have multiple things such as hair ties, make-up, bottles, mail, snacks and more - time to find their new home.

💞 Make it you - Your workspace should be a space where you feel good. Adding photos of your family, framed quotes you love, or items of your favorite color will help you better enjoy your time spent working. Decorate it up!

For fun, think about what are your working must-haves and preferences!?

Beverage: ☕️ hot or 🧊 iced?

Background: 🎶 music or 🤫 silence?

Webpage: 💯 tons tabs open or ☝️one thing at a time?

Planner: 📝 paper or 📱digital?

Time: ⏰ set schedule or 🤷‍♀️ whenever you can squeeze it in?

Most productive: 🌅 morning or ☀️ afternoon?

Computer: 💻 laptop or 🖥 desktop?

Workspace: 🪑Home office or 🛋couch / kitchen table / etc.?

Try these hacks to help get you organized:

- Purge any extra papers and bills lying around

- Color code your filing system and use labels

- Create a mail station to organize incoming & outgoing mail

- Store your office supplies in cute containers, baskets and bins

- Organize your books by genre, color or size

- Utilize your wall space with boards, filing systems, calendars and shelves

- Take 5-10 minutes a day to organize and trash digital files

Here are some of the benefits of having a clean organized workspace!

- Reduces stress

- Better work environment

- Improves use of time

- Increases productivity

- Inspires confidence

- Helps keep you focused

- Clears your mind

- More motivated to work

- Establishes positivity

As you can see having a dedicate working space where it is cozy, clean and comfortable not only improves your work ethic but can also be essential to your mental health. You'll benefit by being happier, healthier, more productive and less stressed! 🎉

⁉️ We want to hear about your workspace!! Do you have a set office, desk or space in your home? Do you work at your kitchen table or all around your house? Are you in the process of setting up a work area? What works best for you?? 👊

🤗👥 We love collab-ing with health and fitness coaches!! Want to join our free Facebook community where coaches come together and support each other in what we love!? Visit our website, scroll all the way to the bottom, enter your email then join as a free member and become a part of our community today! 💌


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