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When You Think God Doesn't Hear You 🙉

The old country song goes “some of God's greatest gifts 🎁 are unanswered prayers.” and we’ve found it to be true in business as it is in life.

We think we know best what we need because, well, WE are the one running the business. We’re the ones spending the money 💰, spending the time, investing in ourselves, investing in relationships 🤝, so OBVIOUSLY we know what’s best for us, right??

Well.... no. 😝

The truth is that we are humans and God is GOD so we’re pretty sure He actually knows what’s best for us and our lives and our business. 👍

But that doesn’t mean He’s not HEARING us. He is always, always, always listening. Even when we don’t want Him to. 🙉 Even when we think He’s ignoring us. He knows us and out desires and our dreams and you gotta believe us when we say 💬: whatever plan He has for you is WAY better than anything you could imagine.

When you know what God is capable of doing, trusting His ways will no longer be an issue. 🥰

If you know that He is capable of taking care of your every need, then you can rest assured knowing that He will do so. If there's anything we can learn from Jesus' example, it's that He slept through storms because He knew they were going to pass anyway. 👏🏻

The real question to ask ourselves is...

"Are WE listening?"

“’Speak, for your servant is listening.” 1 Samuel 3:10

Sometimes the Lord is calling us to change things up. To pivot. Transition. Do something scary. 🫣 Be brave. Do something that doesn’t make sense. 🫢

But the only way we can hear His voice 👂 is to be still and really, truly listen, just like Samuel did.

We also need to be discerning and know the voice of the Lord 📣 because Samuel originally thought it was Eli calling him.

The simplest way to listen for the Lord and know it’s Him is taking time daily to quiet our minds, close our eyes, maybe even lie down, and just let the Lord know, “I’m listening.” 🧘‍♀️

It can be scary because we don’t always WANT to know what He’s calling us to do. 🙅‍♀️ So often He’s pulling us out of our comfort zones, but we need to have faith that whatever He’s doing is for our best interest and for His glory. 🙌

If you think the Lord isn't listening, we hope this reminded you that he is ALWAYS listening because He is ALWAYS with us. Always. 🫶 All the time. He never leaves us ever ever ever. Sometimes what we're asking for simply isn't a part of His plan for us 🤷‍♀️ which means we get to exercise our trust in Him and believe that whatever He does have planned for us is for our highest good. 🙌

And, sometimes, He simply wants us to listen to Him. To get quiet. To be still. 🥰 To learn to recognize His voice and be open to receiving all the knowledge and insight He wants to share with us.

Wherever you're at in your life and business, our hope is that you take some time 📆 today, tomorrow, sometime soon, to...

🧎‍♀️ Bring your requests to the Lord and trust that He hears you and is going to do whatever is best for you and the plans He has for you and

🧘‍♀️ Be quiet and still and listen to all the wisdom and knowledge and insight He wants to share with you.

We're praying for you! 💗


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