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Personal Development Recommendations

Writer: coachcontentcollabcoachcontentcollab

As health and fitness gurus AND entrepreneurs, we’re all very into developing and growing into better versions of ourselves 💁‍♀️💕🧘🏿‍♀️.

But what about personal development material 👩🏽‍🏫?? What do you think of it? Is it part of your everyday routine or something you try to find time for? If it is part of your routine, what type do you consume most? Books, videos, online articles, podcasts? Do you recommend it regularly to your challengers and followers? We’re curious!! 👇👇👇

Common Myth: Personal Development is for people who are broken, damaged, have issues and need some major “fixing.” ...WRONG! A big FAT wrong!

Personal Development, or PD, is for anyone who is looking to grow—and just like there are many different ways to grow, there are many different kinds of PD. Your PD journey should be unique to your hopes and dreams and should cater to the specific areas you would like to improve in your life. It has the power to help a person create the life of their dreams, it is a form of self-awareness and self-care. Here are a few we recommend:

Health & Nutrition

Made to Crave - Lysa Turkeurst Never Binge Again - Glenn Livingston

Bright Line Eating - Susan Peirce Thompson

Exercise & Self-Care

The Fitness Mindset - Brian Keane No Sweat - Michelle Segar Eat Move Sleep - Tom Rath

Mindset & Confidence

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life - Brian Tracy

Daring Greatly - Brene Brown Failing Forward - John C. Maxwell

Time Management & Routine

Eat That Frog - Brian Tracy Master Your Time, Master Your Life - Brian Tracy

Getting Things Done - David Allen

Daily Habits & Discipline

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey

Atomic Habits - James Clear The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg

Do you have anything you’ve really been digging lately that you recommend??

Be sure to check out our PD Guide , it’s a great tool to share with your audience. This resource is FREE if you’re a CCC member! You'll find it under bonus resources!


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