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How to Go ALL OUT In Your Business 🙌🤩❤️

Writer: coachcontentcollabcoachcontentcollab

You don't have to be an entrepreneur for very long before you start seeing people saying they're "going all out" in their business this month or 🗣️ "you have to go all out" in order to be successful.

It sounds right and true and like a great idea, but what does that even mean? 🤷‍♀️ Business buzzwords can be tricky to decode.

To us, "going all out" means being fully committed to your business. 🔥 It's igniting, or reigniting, that passion you had when you first started or when you had a great month or when you have the next best idea. Going all out is living, walking 🚶‍♀️, breathing that "I am going to succeed and nothing is going to get in my way" mentality. 🙌

But how do you get to that place? And then what actions do you take? Keep reading because we've got you covered!

Below are some questions to ask yourself that will help you get into that "nothing is going to stop me" mindset. Break out a journal and find a pen ✍️ so you can really dig into these questions!

Questions to Ask Yourself

🤔 What do you want?

It's not enough to say you want a good income 💰 or a successful business. If you want to hit your big goals and make big dreams your reality, it's time to get specific. What specific dollar amount do you want to make monthly? 📅 Annually? What does a "successful business" look like to you? How many hours do you want to work? How many clients or members do you want? Get down to the nitty gritty details of what you want.

🤨 Why do you want it?

Why do you want to achieve those goals? Why do you want to hit those milestones? Is it for financial freedom? To be debt free? 🥳 Is it for time freedom? Do you want to homeschool your kids AND have a thriving business? Do you want to have life-changing experiences? Do you want to retire early? Do you want to change the world? 🌏 Think about WHY you want what you want because that why will be the fire you need to keep going ALL OUT when things get tough.

🤯 How will it change your life now?

What are some ways your life will change in the next 30 days once you GO ALL OUT in on your business? Will it allow you to encourage and inspire others to do the same? 🤗 Will it give you the purpose and drive you've been searching for? Will it help you feel fulfilled? Will one month of income help you stay motivated to keep going? You probably won't hit all of your goals in a month but you CAN look for small changes that will light you up 💡 and keep you going!

🙋‍♀️ What support do you need?

No one can accomplish big things on their own. We all need help and guidance and encouragement. Consider what you need. Do you need a mentor who's done what you want to do? Do you need people praying for you on a regular basis? 🙏 Do you need a biz bestie who checks in every day or every week and keeps you accountable to the goals you set and the things you want to accomplish? 🫶 Asking for help is hard but it ALWAYS makes us stronger so think about what type of support you need and go get it to GO ALL OUT.

Now that you're fired up 🙌 and ready to rock, here are some action steps you can start implementing TODAY to help you go all out in your business and reach the big goals yo've set!

Tips for Going All Out

🧐 Define "all out" for you

What does "going all out" mean to you personally? Does it mean waking up at 5 a.m. and knocking out your to do list first thing in the morning? 🛌 Does it mean committing to a monthly goal and not stopping until 11:59 p.m. on the 31st? Spend some time defining "all out" for you while taking into consideration your personal life, work, circumstances, etc. 🙅‍♀️ Don't compare your "all out" effort to someone else's. This is YOUR business and YOUR journey.

📝 Set intentions

Now that you know what "all out" means for you, write out those intentions. Write out things like "Get up at 5 a.m. and complete my to do list" or "reach out to 10 people every day" 💌 or whatever your plans are for going ALL OUT. Writing it down makes it more real in our brains 🧠 than just thinking about it so write out all of your intentions and put the list somewhere you'll see it often like next to your bed, near your computer, or on your bathroom mirror. 🪞

🤩 Get organized

This is the step needed to set yourself up for success! Take action! If you want to get up at 5 a.m. every morning, ⏰ set that alarm right now! If you want to post an IG reel every day, write down in your planner when you'll film, edit, and upload. If you want to be able to go live 🤳 on the 20th to talk about what's happening in your membership, reach out to a babysitter today so you're not stressing about it on the 19th. Figure out all the action steps you can take today to help you GO ALL OUT and be successful in the future!

👏 Get excited

You've done A LOT of internal work from deciding what you want to why you want it to setting intentions and getting ready. The final step 👟 is to GET EXCITED about all the life changing work you're about to achieve because you decided to go ALL OUT! You are READY to change YOUR life and the lives of others! 👏 You are set up for success. You are going to go all out and make your dreams a reality! Give yourself a high five 🫷, throw yourself a dance party, and anytime you're struggling, remember the excitement you're feeling right now because you KNOW your life is about to change!

Whew! Are you pumped up? 🙌 Excited for your business? Are new ideas flying? 🚀 Do you finally feel like you understand what it means to go all out in your business your way? We sure hope so!

If you're looking for more support for your business, why not join our free Facebook group? 🥹 It's a a thriving community filled with other health and wellness entrepreneurs who are also going all out in their businesses! 😎 Ask questions, be inspired, encourage your fellow business owners!

Click here to join us!


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