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How to encourage your clients in faith ✨

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As coaches, we can get overwhelmed with how to reach out and encourage our clients in faith. I know that I have struggled MANY times in doing just that. Asking myself, how do I support them? How can I be there for them? How can I pray for them? How can I walk beside them in faith? Hopefully, these tips shared will not only help your clients in faith, but will also help you develop a deeper relationship with them; a friendship and a relationship rooted in Jesus. After all, isn't that what being a coach is all about? Growing in relationships and being someone to cheer them on? Absolutely!

Here are three ways to encourage your clients in faith:

#1. Ask, “How can I pray for you and our family?”

Asking a simple question can open so many doors. It can permit us to grow in faith with one another. It can allow us to mourn with each other. It can give us the strength to stand beside each other. James 5:16b proclaims, “...pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” As coaches, we may not always know what is happening in the lives of our clients. They may be going through some tough times. They could be struggling to be consistent in their faith, in their nutrition, or in their fitness. As coaches and as Christians, we need to be that person that reaches out to them. Ask them, “How can I pray for you?” or “Do you need prayer?” These questions can allow us to reassure them in faith. I know that many may not be comfortable with praying right then and there, but there’s something to be said for praying over someone in the moment. As a fellow coach, I would encourage you to do so. Fortify them in faith by praying over them.


#2. Encourage them in their journey, wherever they're at

1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, “Therefore encourage one another and build each

other up, just as in fact you are doing.” Paul wrote to the Thessalonians in hope

that they would encourage one another in their faith. It is a command for us to continue to encourage and lift up fellow followers of Jesus. As Christians and brothers and sisters in Christ, this is our call. As a Coach, it is our duty to build up our clients. As we go through life, we need others to walk beside us, to inspire us, to comfort one another in the ups and downs of our journey’s. Wherever your client is at in their mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual journey, encourage them, inspire them, comfort them. Connect with them.


#3. Spend time with them in the Bible, encouraging them to keep moving forward.

“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one

person falls the other can reach out and help.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10a, shares that

we shouldn’t go this life alone. As Christians, we need to encourage one another in faith and continue to be there for one another. If we are going to be coaches, we need to grow with our clients. We need to spend time with them and get to know them. We can do this by simply spending time with each other on God’s Word. It doesn’t have to be hours on end, but while on a call with your client, choose as verse to discuss. Meditate over it together and discuss it and the meaning behind the passage. Essentially, have a devotional time with each other. I promise you it will not only grow your friendship, but it will allow you to encourage one another in faith.

I hope that these three tips help encourage your clients in faith. I also hope it helps you feel inspired and affirm that what you're doing as a coach is lifting others up in Jesus’ name.

Keep up the good work and you will inspire others to do the same. You never know, maybe you’ll gain a great friend in the process as well. ☺️

If you’d like more coaching tips or encouragement in faith, follow @faithoverfear__fitness and @coachcontentcollaboration 🙏


Guest Writer, Courtney Blanchard

Child of God, Wife, Masters in Music & Worship, Helping others reach their faith, health and fitness goals 💕



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