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Coach Self-Care & Productivity Tips

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

Hey Coach, how are you doing? 🤔 No really, how are YOU? 😘

Are you running around trying to do ALL 👏 THE 👏 THINGS? 👏 Are you racing the clock and before you know it half the day is already gone? 😱

👉 Do any of these sound like you?

1️⃣ Maybe you already hold a full-time working position and are trying to squeeze your coaching hustle in at night or on the weekends. When doing so, your time is limited and after working soooo many hours there is very little time for yourself and family. ⏰

2️⃣ Maybe you're a full-time stay at home mom who simply has your hands full with all the family and house things. The kiddos need kisses and care, the laundry is piling up, the kitchen is a mess, so you try to squeeze in pockets of work just whenever you can. 🧸

3️⃣ Maybe you coach full-time building up a business you love and are on a

mission to execute ALL your amazing ideas! With all the exciting things, your to-do list has somehow gotten longer than ever. It's overwhelming, you never know where to begin and are actually burnt out just looking at it. 😳

Maybe none of the scenarios above directly relates with you. 🤔 BUT if you are feeling a bit exhausted, tired, spread in many different directions, ready for a reset, and in need of some productivity hacks to get your life back... this is for you! 🙌

🙆‍♀️ The first thing to do - and the most important - is to take some downtime for yourself! Breathe. Breathe out. Inhale confidence. Exhale doubt.

💗 Disconnect! Set aside some dedicated time to unplug from social media and being online. This means stepping away from your computer, from your phone, from all things “work-mode”. Leave space for your mind to R.E.S.T. and refresh. Then when you get back to your coaching, you will do so more energized and with a clear head. 🧠

💗 Prioritize your health! Time to heed your own advice. What is it that you need right now? Do you need to get in a kick butt workout? Do you need more sleep - a power nap or making sure you can get to bed early? Need to meal prep some healthy meals? Do the thing highest on your list that takes care of YOU. 💪

💗 Do something you enjoy everyday. It doesn't have to be something super fancy, expensive or time-consuming. Maybe it's a 10 minute walk outside in the fresh air talking with God. Maybe it's watching your 30 minute Netflix show. Or maybe it's taking 20 minutes to play with your kids or pets. Do something that is going to uplift your spirits and put a smile on your beautiful face. 🥰

💗 Read personal development. This alone will help provide you with the knowledge and skills to better be able to tackle anything that comes at you. Working on yourself is key to growth and smashing any limitations. Find a self-improvement book that relates to the season of life you're in and absorb the words inside!

💗 Phone a friend and/or talk with God. Talking with God or a close special friend about what is going on in your life and how you're feeling is beneficial for your mental and emotional health. It's a great way to connect or re-connect. Good friends are good for your overall health and provide incredible support when we're struggling.

🙆‍♀️ The second thing to do - is to look at your work habits and see if there are other pockets of time that you can create to achieve a healthy work/life balance.

Block your time! If you don't control your schedule, it will control you! Make more of your work time by creating a schedule for when you’ll work on all the different facets of your business. Each time block should be dedicated to focusing on accomplishing a specific task or group of similar tasks. Check out a blog or podcast on the benefits and how-to of batch working and time blocking.

Take small breaks! We're talking tiny 5-15 minute powerful breaks here and there. It has been shown that taking small breaks during the workday can have an amazing effect on rebooting your brain and easing your body. You can set alarms for when you want to take your breaks or know when you've been working on something for too long and mental fatigue is setting in - then it's time to step away. Reset your brain then get back at it more refreshed and motivated! Breaks can look like simply getting up and stretching, fillgin your water bottle, going outside, making a healthy snack or squeeze in a 10 minute bonus ab workout! 👌

It's okay to say “no” - when you have too much on your plate, when you don’t want to do something, or when it threatens your main objectives. You have to keep your priorities and sanity in check! Taking on too much only runs us into the ground, causes burnout and we can even lose the spark to keep going. If you need to, accept help. You don't have to "do-it-all"! See what you can outsource to take some work off your plate!

Minimize distractions. If you're struggling to keep yourself focused, it's time to figure out what shiny objects are catching your attention. Fight the urge to multi-task and do your best to do one thing at a time. When we try to do multiple things at once, it actually uses more time and energy. It also causes us to keep switching back and forth, we may forget where we left off and makes more room for errors. Block out the time when you will check your messages and comments. Then turn off any devices you're not using and set notifications on silent.

**Most often distractions are: phones, emails, instant messaging, internet browsing/shopping, social media scrolling, TikTok videos, Netflix/TV (don't tell me you've never tried to keep binging on your favorite show while working 🤪), phone calls, kids/pets/spouse and our work environment.

Set a main goal for the day. What is the most important thing you need to get done today? What is the most important thing that will move your business forward? Make sure that is at the top of your to-do list and something you are intently working towards! We must make sure we are spending our attention on the things that matter. All the other stuff will be there tomorrow and will get done in time. Conquering your main goal will leave you feeling accomplished even if some other items are left unchecked at the end of the day.

BONUS tip! Create a workspace that makes you happy. This may be a bonus, but it is crucial for your productive and your self-care. If you work from home, you must have a dedicated workspace where you can work specific business hours and then leave it when you're done. Sure, you may have to work from your phone at the dinner table or couch once in awhile... but do your very best to have an actual office. Decorate it in a way that makes you happy and keep it clear of clutter! Research has shown that a clean clutter-free office helps to promote focus, efficiency, maximizes time, increases energy and increases positivity! Ditch any office mess for less stress!

If you’re a health and fitness coach and often find yourself overwhelmed or running short on time, check out our completely done-for-you monthly coaching content to cross one thing or many multiple things off your list! It'll feel so good!

We got you covered with:

- challenge group & social media content

- daily posts with copy & paste captions

- promotional stories & newsletter

- recognition ideas to shoutout your clients

- check-in images for all. the. things!

- fun engagement stories & images

- client workbook & tracking sheets

- health recipe of the week & meal ideas

- bonus challenge week & challenge sheets

- value resources with healthy tips and tricks

- photo-a-day posting challenge image

- product highlight template

- canva templates provided for customization

- and even more!

See our Instagram stories for what we have coming up! @coachcontentcollaboration 😃 If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out! Here on our blog, our socials, by email or in our private FB group. We love hearing from you and love to support you in any way that we can. Take care coaches! 💕


📌 Because we know you have a lot on your plate! We want to help you out with some freebies! Check out our Free Resource Library by clicking the button below. 🎉



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