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6 Ways to Plan for the New Year 🥳📆🤔

Writer: coachcontentcollabcoachcontentcollab

It's the time of year where everyone is thinking about their goals and plans for the new year! 📆 There's A LOT of advice out there on how to prepare and most of it is the same old stuff. Make a vision board, break up your big goals into smaller chunks, learn how to manage your time better, etc. 🫤

All of this is solid advice but we wanted to share some ideas that you don't hear as often and are just as important! Keep reading for some unconventional ways to prepare for the year ahead! ⬇️

6 Ways to Prepare for the New Year

#1.) Plan Out Your Ideal Morning Routine ☀️

How you start your day has a dramatic effect on how the rest of your day will go. Sure, you can't control the events that will happen, but by starting your morning off on the right foot 👟 you can be better prepared for whatever life throws your way.

Make your morning routine fit you and your lifestyle. If getting up at 5am to go for a run sounds like torture 😬, don't do it just because someone else does it and loves it. Create a morning routine that's unique to you. One suggestion we do have, though, is to include some sort of gratitude practice to get your head and heart ❤️ in a thankful place before getting into your work day.

#2.) Make Sure Your Goals are YOUR Goals 🥰

Ms. Suzy Successful may have big goals for the new year and, since you've seen her success, you may want to copy all of her goals. Don't do it! 🙅‍♀️ Your goals need to be YOUR goals that fit you, your life, your vision for your business, etc. What works for someone else won't work for you. If your goals aren't personalized to you and where you want to go, you'll quickly lose motivation to work towards them. Decide where you want to to take your business and create your goals from there. 😍

#3.) Prioritize Fun 🎉

You didn't start your own business so you could be stressed out and overwhelmed all the time, right? An easy way to combat those negative feelings in your business is to have more fun! 💃 Maybe that means going live more often to talk with and connect with your audience. Maybe that means doing more reels or TikTok's to boost your creativity. Maybe it means starting a podcast 🎙 or switching from 1:1 coaching to group coaching because you love working with a lot of people. Think about what business tasks and activities sound FUN and add more of them to your to do list!

#4.) Define a Successful Day for Yourself ✍️

We all have those days where we crawl into bed and think, "I didn't get anything done today." 😔 A simple way to make sure you don't ever say that again is to design a bare minimum successful day ahead of time. A successful day could look like:

  • Post to IG

  • Check in with FB group

  • Plan out rest of the week's tasks

  • Do morning gratitude practice

  • Eat a piece of fruit

The idea is that if you do all of those things you can call the day a success 👍 even if there's more you could have done. There's always more to do, but there's not always the time or energy or focus to do more. 🤷‍♀️ Decide what tasks that, if you do them, will define a successful day for you and remember that list on days when you feel like you don't have much to give.

#5.) Invite the Lord into the Planning Process 🙏

Remember that what you think is your business is actually God's business and He has big plans for you and your small business. Wanna gain some insight into those plans? 🙌 Spend time with the Lord daily and talk to Him about what He wants you to do, where He wants you to go, who He thinks you should reach out to 🧐, what He thinks your next project should be, etc. He's the CEO, after all, so make sure He knows your desires and listen to Him for any changes He wants you to make!

#6.) Decide Now When You'll Rest 🥱

Just like with defining a successful day, decide NOW when you'll rest. As we mentioned before there's ALWAYS more things to be done, but taking care of YOU 🫵 is of utmost importance. You are the one that runs your business 🏃‍♀️ so it's imperative that you take self-care seriously. Start thinking about what conditions will mean rest for you. For example, you'll take the day off if...

  • You got less than 6 hours of sleep

  • Your kid is home sick

  • You're sick

  • You haven't taken a day off in 2 weeks

  • It's a chilly day and you simply want to curl up in a blanket and watch the snow fall

Decide what circumstances will allow you to rest so that you don't feel like you have to justify it later on in the year.

We hope you found this list helpful! We have one more ☝️ piece of advice! There's a good chance that by March 2, all of your goals and plans have changed and that's OKAY! Owning a small business means going on an adventure every day 🚀 and sometimes you have to go left when you originally planned on going right. Remember to do your best and enjoy the ride!

As a reminder, if you want to...

  • Have more time to grow your audience

  • Spend more time supporting and encouraging your members

  • Enjoy your life more and work less

  • Stand out as a health and wellness professional

  • Be able to plan the month ahead with posts, images, freebies, emails, IG stories, and more before the month starts

CCC has you covered! 🙋‍♀️ Check out what's included in our done-for-you content bundles that come out every month with a brand new theme designed to help you and your members become healthier and happier as a whole person.

We can't wait to see what you do in the new year! We're cheering you on! 👏👏👏


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