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5 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Selling Your Coaching Program

Writer: coachcontentcollabcoachcontentcollab

If you have a wellness coaching business, your goal is likely to make money. I mean we all have bills to pay right? 🤑

But the only way to make money is to sell something, either your products or your services. So what happens if you’re deathly afraid of selling? What happens when you struggle to market your program and ask for a sale? 🤔

Predictably, you won’t make much money and then you’re really managing a hobby instead of running a business. 🫣

woman entrepreneur writing notes working on her business

If you’re ready to ramp up your income, then you need to overcome this fear of selling. You can do it, you can do it! 🥳 Here are some tips for reframing your selling mindset and overcome your fear of selling:

1. Don’t sell; simply have a conversation. If you’re worried about being perceived as that icky, pushy, hard sell salesperson who follows you around the store, then start off by simply having a conversation. You won’t convince anyone to buy the first time you meet them, so ask them questions about their business instead. By asking questions, you’ll qualify them as prospects (or not) and then you can follow up at a future time. 💬

2. Offer your help instead of selling. What is the end result of every product or service? They ALL solve a problem. Approach each potential lead with the idea of helping them solve a problem instead of selling them your product. Helping has a more positive connotation than selling does and this frame of thought may make it easier for you to start those qualifying conversations. Be genuine and also share your personal experience of how what you offer has helped you and stories from other clients. 🤝

woman entrepreneur working at home on her computer

3. Start small. Don’t try to conquer the world in a single day. Start small and talk about your business to family and friends. 🗣️ Spread your reach in your local community by networking in person at business events. Start networking online. Become a social media darling by posting consistently. Rinse and repeat all these steps until you have a well-oiled networking machine that produces leads. 👌

4. Focus on your goals. Promoting your products and services becomes much easier when you remember your WHY: Why are you in business? What are your goals? What is your timeframe for meeting those goals? 🎯Setting reasonable deadlines will keep you motivated to sell instead of taking the day off to binge-watch Netflix shows. Also share these goals with your spouse, business associate, or accountability partner. When you know other people will ask you about your progress, you remain motivated. 👊

5. Get excited about your products and services. When you’re proud of your offerings, it’s much easier to get into selling mode. Do your market research. Understand your audience’s pain points. Create your product or service to alleviate those pain points. KNOW that this is the solution to make their life easier! Make your product/service the absolute best it can be and then offer it to the world. Your excitement will become contagious among all your followers and fans. 🤩

woman working from home on her laptop

👏 Bonus Tip: Ask for testimonials and small win stories from happy clients and read them when you have a moment of doubt. Reading those success stories and kind positive words will do wonders for your failing confidence! Trust us! We refer to them often too! 🥰

Lastly, just be yourself when promoting your business offerings. Don’t try to copy your competition. Don’t try to look like your favorite mentor or guru. You are unique and your tribe will be attracted to YOU based upon your authentic self. 🥹 "Be yourself everyone else is already taken." - Oscar Wilde

If you need more action tips for confident selling, join our Facebook group where we have monthly content calls for coach training! One of the topics we have covered is passive income and growing your business through sales. 🙌

We hope this blog post have given you ideas and ways to overcome any fears you have about selling so you can grow your health and wellness business! 👏 Want to dive in and see what's included in our monthly done-for-you content bundles for health and wellness entrepreneurs? Click here to check out our web site, learn more about us, and sign up!

Ways to overcome your fear of selling as a wellness coach

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We here at Coach Content Collaboration are passionate about helping online health & fitness coaches and personal trainers stress less and do more of what they love in their businesses! 😍

Let us do all the heavy content creation for you. We create fun monthly themes, challenges, graphics, trackers, captions and more! Stop burning yourself out. Stop feeling overwhelmed. End the frustration of trying to come up with all the ideas each month for your group, program or membership. We want to help and we want to see you succeed! 🤝

Check out our done-for-you ready made content and get excited about what you have to offer, create more time to do what you actually enjoy in your business and be better able to nurture your clients! We hope to connect with you soon. 🥰


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